A-Z of Choosing the Perfect Mattress for Sleeping - SleepLabs

A-Z of Choosing the Perfect Mattress for Sleeping

Did you know that people approximately spend an average of 1/3rd or more of their life on bed? Yes, that's right!

This clearly shows how important buying the perfect mattress is. As we all know that the secret of productivity is nothing more but good sleep over a comfortable mattress. Therefore, the bigger question is about finding a mattress that is a perfect fit for the bedding. Understanding this, here is a mattress buying guide that will help you in attaining the sleep you deserve.

When should you buy a new mattress?

Below are some of the indications about when it is the high time to replace the old bedding with a new one.

When The Mattress Has Lasted for Years

The life of a mattress varies as per the material and the people sleeping on it. Consider memory foam mattresses which are less likely to deteriorate within a decade. Also, the daily usage of mattresses can reduce its life, while the occasional use can increase the same. With this, you should also consider the fact that a mattress should be replaced every 10 years, irrespective of the warranty period.


Increased Aches & Pain in the Body

If your morning starts with an “Ouch”, then it is high time you need to consider replacing the mattress. If the mattress has made you feel the pressure points and pain in your body, then your bedding is not healthy even if it is new. Consider a restful mattress that gives you a pain-free start for the day. Try out Sleep Labs orthopaedic memory foam mattress if you are suffering from body pain issues.

The Desire to Replace the Existing 

If you are done with the old model of a bed and thinking to buy a new one, then you must also consider a mattress over a bed. A mattress can bring back the plush feel, and you would surely not feel like looking over a new bed lately.

What matters the most?

Below are some of the key factors to acknowledge when you are wondering about how to buy a mattress.

Support -The mattress should be sturdy enough to handle all types of body weights. Also, make sure that it can easily accommodate additional layers of blankets and comforters with no effect over its comfort. For this, you can look forward to various thickness options of 4" inch, 5" inch, 6" inch, 8" inch and many others. 

Temperature -The mattress should instill the body temperature and stay apt with it. 

Breathing Accessibility - A mattress type also varies with the appropriate use of material to regulate the ventilation and comfort factor. So look over mattresses that have well-structured cotton layer. Organic cotton layer over a mattress enhance its ability to breathe, thus eliminating the presence of allergies. 

Pressure Relief Point - While checking for a mattress, look for those which have transition layer right above. This layer is for providing lumbar support ensuring an aligned spine and healthy sleep every night.

Posture Adaptability - Opt for mattresses that have a layer dedicated to posture adaptability. This makes it easy to take a nap loaded with snug and vanishes the pressure on the body. 

Where to shop for a mattress?

It can be really difficult to move from shop to shop for testing the best quality of the mattress. But, online furniture shopping can make it easy for you. Effortless purchasing policies and benefits of free trial will make it easy to take your decision for mattress buying.

Certainly, you can buy the best mattress online on the SleepLabs website. With this, you also get 200 days free trial so that the money is never in vain. So, what are you waiting for? Explore the extensive range of mattresses, pillows, and mattress covers at the Sleep Labs online store.

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