The Complete Guide to Look After Your New Mattress – SleepLabs

The Complete Guide to Look After Your New Mattress

Regardless of the size and style of your bed, it is important to invest in a quality mattress. Arming yourself with information about how to choose a mattress will help you in this regard. Without a mattress that offers good support to your body weight and feels comfortable, you cannot enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating night of sleep. You will probably be up all night wondering how to select a mattress. However, just using a mattress buying guide to buy a good mattress or bed will not get you a deal. It’s time to read up on mattress care besides how to choose a mattress. You will also need to learn the basics of mattress care along with learning how to choose a mattress. Much like your bed linen, your new mattress requires proper mattress care and maintenance. So get ready to learn new tips besides how to choose a mattress.

Easy Tips For Mattress Care To Increase Its Longevity

Protection From Liquid Spillage

The first step towards mattress care and ensuring the longevity of your mattress is protecting it from spillage of water or any other liquid. Aside from your tiny tot (if you have any) accidentally spilling food or water on your mattress, it can soak liquid in other ways too! You will be surprised to know that you perspire even at night. 

Regardless of the size and style of your bed, it is important to invest in a quality mattress. Arming yourself with information about how to choose a mattress will help you in this regard. Without a mattress that offers good support to your body weight and feels comfortable, you cannot enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating night of sleep. You will probably be up all night wondering how to select a mattress. 

However, just using a mattress buying guide to buy a good mattress or bed will not get you a deal. It’s time to read up on mattress care besides how to choose a mattress. You will also need to learn the basics of mattress care along with learning how to choose a mattress. Much like your bed linen, your new mattress requires proper mattress care and maintenance. So get ready to learn new tips besides how to choose a mattress.

Keeping it Free of Dust/Dirt

Like any other piece of furniture in your bedroom, your mattress also attracts dust and dirt. Left uncleaned, beds can also become a haven for dust mites, pollen, pet fur, etc as per mattress buying guides. This is why you must add memory foam mattress care to your to-do list besides reading up on how to choose a mattress. While you cannot chuck your mattresses in the washing machine, there are other simple ways to clean your mattress. 

Simply use your vacuum cleaner to suck out the dust and dirt from your mattresses and beds. Vacuum clean your mattresses at least once a month to protect your mattress from dust and grime and for exceptional memory foam mattress care. Periodical vacuuming and dust clean-up is a part of recommended memory foam mattress care by mattress buying guides to keep away pests and insects from making your mattress its home. It’s time to read up on mattress care besides how to choose a mattress.  With the internet, you no longer have to wonder much about how to select a mattress.

Turning and Rotating Periodically

According to leading mattress buying guides, regardless of whether you know everything about how to select a mattress, you must rotate and turn it in once every 3 months. It is considered a part of routine memory foam mattress care by most mattress buying guides. This will keep the beds from sagging and is the key to healthy performance and a long lifespan. You may need some help in flipping your mattresses, but do not delay the task – unless you want a saggy mattress that gives you aches and pains. Regardless of how much you research how to choose a mattress¸ you need to flip your mattress regularly. Log into any of the top websites to find out how to select a mattress.

Avoid Sitting on the Edges

According to mattress buying guides, good quality mattresses are meant to offer proper support to your entire body when you sleep on them – they aren’t a recliner or sofa set. A lot of people have a habit of sitting on the edge of their mattresses or beds. This damages the contour of the mattresses and renders them useless in no time at all. A well-maintained mattress that adheres to proper memory foam mattress care will give you at least 10 years of loyal service as per top how to choose a mattress guide and mattress buying guides. It’s time to read up on mattress care besides how to choose a mattress.  After all, information about how to select a mattress isn’t too difficult to find.

Caring for a mattress and maintaining it is not as tedious as you may think. But it helps to learn more about it while reading up on how to choose a mattress. When you use professional mattress cleaning services and memory foam mattress care for your beds, you can enjoy comfortable sleep year after year and stop wondering how to select a mattress. Proper maintenance and clean-up of a mattress protect you from contracting numerous health problems as well as answers for how to choose a mattress and mattress buying guides.

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