How the Wrong Mattress Can Affect Your Health and Productivity – SleepLabs

How the Wrong Mattress Can Affect Your Health and Productivity

We know that productivity is affected by the quality of your sleep. As your comfort experts, we’re always looking for ways to help you sleep and work better, whether it’s through indoor plants or night-time routines for easier mornings. And we know that bad sleep or lack of sleep has many adverse health effects, from high blood pressure and depression to obesity and heart disease.

What most people don’t know is that a bad mattress itself can affect you adversely. These problems may take longer to develop, but they are no less painful. Let’s look at some issues it can cause.

Lower back pain, stiffness, and soreness that prevents you from working

Too soft, too hard, too old –mattresses that are any of these or of low quality can cause you bodily harm. In a mattress that’s too soft, your body does not get the support it needs, ends up contorting in unnatural positions and strains itself. A mattress that’s too stiff puts extra pressure on your tailbone, shoulders, and arms, causing joint soreness. If you need to twist or turn to get comfortable, it’s time for a change. Ideally, you should sleep on an orthopedic memory foam mattress that will firmly keep your spine aligned and support you like your mom.

Respiratory irritation that requires medication or time off

The older your mattress, the more likely it is full of dust and dust mites. Both these trigger asthma or allergies and cause skin conditions like eczema. A luxury mattress like SleepLabs comes with a 15-year warranty that ensures you have a backup in case of issues, as well as giving you a good idea of how long the mattress will keep you healthy

Mould and spores that cause allergies that hamper your daily schedule

Mattresses that are too old can also risk being unhygienic. Human beings sweat at night, losing up to a quarter of a litre of liquid, all absorbed by your bedding and mattress. This liquid could lead to mould, which causes a whole host of health issues. Mattress protectors may solve this issue for some time, but a new premium mattress may sometimes solve niggling irritations overnight.

Cheat sheet: when should you change your mattress?

If it’s memory foam, then as it approaches 15 years of age, depending on wear and tear. For other mattresses, consider replacing them as they approach 5 or 7 years of age.

If your mattress is sagging, lumpy, or uneven, it can put uneven pressure on your body

If your mattress is not the right size for your height and weight, you may experience pain.

If you bought a mattress without a 200 nights home trial - why risk bad health with a showroom buy when you can try it at home for 200 nights?

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